Emission Inventory of priority pollutants – in/with consideration/regard of the characteristics of ubiquitous pollutants
- contact:
M.Sc. Shari Rothvoß
- funding:
Federal Environment Agency Germany
- startdate:
- enddate:
Short description
In the frame of this project the improvement of input data and calculation approaches in the modelling system MoRE (Modelling of Regionalized Emissions) with particular regard to ubiquitous priority substances is intended. The project aims at providing a nationwide, uniform basis to generate inventories and simultaneously help to develop management plans. For this purpose, the results obtained in the inventory 2013 are analysed and evaluated in a first step. Besides, the results of recent studies focused on relevant input pathways are screened to update and adjust input data according to recent findings. Additionally, a monitoring campaign is organized to establish an adequate basis for model validation. In order to verify the consistency of the data basis, plausibility checks for input data and the obtained results are performed. Moreover, the examination of internal processes in the water (such as sedimentation and mineralization) is intended. Also, the nationwide availability of data with appropriate quality for this purpose is checked. The resulting objectives of this project are:
- Improvement of model results by improving input data
- Enhancement of the existing approaches for input modelling by considering environmental behaviour of substances and groups of substances
- Development of MoRE towards modelling of water quality, whereby retention and substance concentrations in the water bodies are mapped and the compliance with legal quality standards may be assessed
- Support for implementation of EU Water Framework Directive particularly with regard to development of the upcoming inventories and management plans