Lectures and Courses

Overview lectures in summer term 2025


Office hours

Currently, no fixed dates are offered. Office hours can be arranged individually by email if required.

Summer Term Lecture
title time place lecturer

Geb. 10.81 HS 93 

Geb. 10.50 Gr. HS

Geb. 50.31 Raum 322

Geb. 20.29 Pool F

Geb. 50.31 Room 322

Geb. 50.31 Nr. 322

Geb. 50.31 Nr. 322

Geb. 50.31 room 322

Winter Term Lectures
title time place lecturer

SR 322/Lab Blgd. 50.31

HS 9 Geb. 20.40 

Engesser-HS Bldg. 10.81