Dr.-Ing. Mohammad Azari
- Nachwuchsgruppenleiter „Innovative und nachhaltige Abwassertechnik und -management“
- Raum: 308
- Tel.: +49 721 608-44116
- mohammad azari ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Institut für Wasser und Umwelt
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Gebäude 50.31
Gotthard-Franz-Str. 3
76131 KarlsruheDeutschland
35. Karlsruher Flockungstage
Jährlich stattfindende Fachtagung mit Vorträgen und Ausstellern aus dem Bereich der Abwasserbehandlung
Abwasserreinigung mit innovativen und energiesparenden (biologische) Verfahren, Anaerobe Ammoniumoxidation (Anammox), Biofilmverfahren, Mathematische Modellierung in Abwasserreinigung, Untersuchung mikrobieller Gemeinschaften, Treibhausgase aus der Kläranlage, Nährstoffrückgewinnung und Kohlenstoffabscheidung, Adsorptionsprozesse in Kläranlagen, Risikobewertung in Kläranlagen
Ehemalige Projekte (mit anderen Instituten)
Projektführer in Universität Duisburg-Essen, Gefördert durch Das Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen (LANUV)
- Projekttitel: Untersuchungen zur Deammonifikation im Hauptstrom von Kläranlagen (ANAMMOSTROM)
Promotion im Studienfach Bauingenieurwesen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Stipendiat von DAAD
- Dissertationstitel: Optimierung und Untersuchung des Anammox-Prozesses durch mathematische Modellierung und experimentelle Ansätze im Labormaßstab
Abgeschlossene Forschungsvorhaben
Auszeichnungen und Stipendien
2019: Anammox-Workshop, Integrative Methoden zur Bewertung von Anammox bei Klima- und Umweltveränderungen, ausgezeichnet von der Newcastle University, UK
2014 - 2018: Promotionsstipendium, Sustainable Water Management - NaWaM, DAAD und Uni Duisburg-Essen, Förderungssumme von 90.000 €
2015: Sommerschule für Biofilmwissenschaft und -modellierung, Stipendium des Singapore Centre on Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE), ausgezeichnet von der NTU-Singapur
2012: Sommerschule für moderne Technologien zur Wasser- und Abwasserbehandlung, Uni Duisburg-Essen, Stipendium, vom DAAD
Yang, Y., Azari, M., Herbold, C.W., Li, M., Chen, H., Ding, X., Denecke, M. und Gu, J.D. (2021):
Activities and Metabolic Versatility of Distinct Anammox Bacteria in a Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment System. Water Research, S.117763. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2021.117763
Gholamishiri J., Azari, M., Dehghani, S. und Denecke, M. (2021):
A technical review on the adaptability of mainstream partial nitrification and anammox: substrate management and aeration control in cold weather, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, DOI no- 10.1016/j.jece.2021.106468
Yang, Y., Azari, M., Herbold, C.W., Li, M., Chen, H., Ding, X., Denecke, M. und Gu, J.D. (2021):
Activities and Metabolic Versatility of Distinct Anammox Bacteria in a Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment System. Water Research, S.117763. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2021.117763
Gholamishiri J., Azari, M., Dehghani, S. and Denecke, M. (2021):
A technical review on the adaptability of mainstream partial nitrification and anammox: substrate management and aeration control in cold weather, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, DOI no- 10.1016/j.jece.2021.106468
Azari, M., Jurnalis, A. and Denecke, M., (2021):
The influence of aeration control and temperature reduction on nitrogen removal and microbial community in two anammox‐based hybrid sequencing batch biofilm reactors. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, https://doi.org/10.1002/jctb.6889
Azari, M., Aslani, A. and Denecke, M., (2020):
The effect of the COD: N ratio on mainstream deammonification in integrated fix-film activated sludge-sequencing batch reactor. Chemosphere, 259, p.127426
Azari, M. (2020):
The influence of the COD: N alterations on mainstream deammonification in an IFASSBR, IWA 2020 Virtual Biofilm Conference, Notre Dame, US
Azari M., Schoth J., Hetschel M., Phan L, Jagemann P. and Denecke, M. (2019):
Untersuchungen zur Deammonifikation im Hauptstrom von Kläranlagen, 13. Aachener Tagung Wassertechnologie Verfahren der Wasseraufbereitung und Abwasserbehandlung, Oktober 2019, Aachen, Deutschland
Azari M., Jurnalis, A. and Denecke, M. (2019):
Enhanced Nitrogen Removal And Microbial Community Structure In Hybrid Sequencing Batch Reactors, IWA LET 2019, Edinburgh, UK
Azari, M. (2019):
Optimization and Investigation of Anammox Process Using Existing Models and Experimental Approaches, Logos, Belin. ISBN 978-3-8325-4837-7
Wang, Q., Azari M., Q.; Denecke,M., Men, Jin-Young, Okabe, S., Ali, M, Yu-Tzu, Gu, J., Lin, J. & Lee, P. (2018):
Insight into the roles of anammox bacteria in post-treatment of anaerobically treated sewage. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 48 (6), p 655-684
Steuernagel, L., de Léon Gallegos, E.L., Azizan, A., Dampmann, A.K., Azari, M. and Denecke, M. (2018):
Availability of carbon sources on the ratio of nitrifying microbial biomass in an industrial activated sludge. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 129, pp.133-140.
Azari, M., Le, A.V., Lübken, M. and Denecke, M. (2018):
Model-based analysis of microbial consortia and microbial products in an anammox biofilm reactor. Water Science and Technology, 77(7), pp.1951-1959.
Azari, M. and Denecke, M. (2017):
Stickstoffelimination 4.0: Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten, 12. Aachener Tagung Wassertechnologie Verfahren der Wasseraufbereitung und Abwasserbehandlung, Oktober 2017, Aachen, Deutschland
Azari, M. and Denecke, M. (2017):
Analysis of nitrous oxide production and system performance for a full-scale anammox plant combining activated sludge and granular activated carbon biofilm: a model-based study, 15th International Conference on Environmental Science And Technology (CEST2017), September 2017, Rhodes, Greece,
Azari. M., Le. A.V., & Denecke. M. (2017):
Model based analysis of microbial consortia and soluble microbial products in an anammox biofilm reactor. E-Proceedings and Book of Frontiers International Conference on Wastewater Treatment (FICWTM), May 2017, Palermo, Italy, Oral presentation.
Azari, M., Le, A.V. and Denecke, M. (2017):
Population Dynamic of Microbial Consortia in a Granular Activated Carbon-Assisted Biofilm Reactor: Lessons from Modelling. In Frontiers International Conference on Wastewater Treatment and Modelling (pp. 588-595). Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, Cham, ISBN 978-3-319-58421-8.
Azari, M., Lübken, M. and Denecke, M. (2017):
Simulation of simultaneous anammox and denitrification for kinetic and physiological characterization of microbial community in a granular biofilm system. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 127, pp.206-216.
Azari, M., Walter, U., Rekers, V., Gu, J.D. and Denecke, M. (2017):
More than a decade of experience of landfill leachate treatment with a full-scale anammox plant combining activated sludge and activated carbon biofilm. Chemosphere, 174, pp.117-126.
Azari, M., Walter, U., 2 Rekers, V., Denecke, M. (2016):
Ten-year experience with a full scale anammox plant combining activated sludge with activated carbon biofilm. The 9th Asia-Pacific Landfill Symposium (APLAS2016), November 2016, Hong Kong, China
Azari, M., Lȕbken, M., Denecke, M. (2016):
multispecies granular biofilm modelling for simultaneous anammox and denitrification processes in batch systems, 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, July 2016, Toulouse, France
Ke, Y.; Azari, M.; Han, P.; Görtz, I.; Ji-Dong Gu, J.-D.; Denecke, M. (2015):
Microbial community of nitrogen-converting bacteria in anammox granular sludge. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, Volume 103, Pages 105-115.
Neyrisi, S, Mohammadian, S., Jooshesh, Editors of book chapter: J, Azari, M, Zarrineh, N. (2014):
Evolution of Sanitation and Wastewater Technologies in Iran through the Centuries: Past and Present Chapter 7, IWA Pubishment
Zarrineh, N., and Azari, M. (2014):
Integrated water resources management in Iran: Environmental, socio-economic, and political review of drought in Lake Urmia. Int J Water Resour, 6(1), 40-48.
Azari, M., Tolessa, O., Bauwens, W. (2013):
Climate change impact studies on water quality, and quantity of river Zenne in Belgium, 2nd Open symposium of water, June 2013, Brussels, Belgium
Zarrineh, N., Azari M., Van Steenbergen, N. (2013):
IWRM in Iran: Case Study in Lake Urmia, IWA UK 14th Young Water Professional Conference, April 2013 Darlington, UK.