Fathul Mahdariza
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter – Stipendiat
- fathul mahdariza ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Institut für Wasser und Umwelt
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Gebäude 50.31
Gotthard-Franz-Str. 3
76131 Karlsruhe
Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen, Wasserverteilungssysteme, Katastrophenmanagement
- Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP), Ministry of Finance, the Republic of Indonesia (2018-2022)
- DAAD-Aceh Scholarship of Excellence (2009-2012)
Mahdariza, F. (2017):
The Determination of Lightning Disaster Hazard Index using Analytical Hierarchy Process. In: Elkawnie Journal, Volume 3.2.
Zuraida; Mahdariza, F.; Rohendi, A. (2017):
Potensi Pemanfaatan Limbah Industri Kelapa Sawit. Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Aceh Barat (Eng: The Potential of Waste Utilization at a Palm Oil Industry. Case Study: Aceh Barat Regency). Banda Aceh, LP2M UIN Ar-Raniry.
Yulian, M.; Mahdariza, F.; Harahap, J.; Putra, R.A.; Mulkal. (2017):
Profil Bencana Petir Kota Subulussalam (Eng: Lightning Disaster Profile in Subulussalam City). Bogor, Erzatama Karya Abadi.
Mahdariza, F. (2016):
Low Chlorine Residual and Intermittent Flow Lead to Coliforms Presence: A Study Case on Banda Aceh Water Supply System. In: Elkawnie Journal, Volume 2.1.
Mahdariza, F. (2015):
The Influence of Production Flow Rate and Raw Water Turbidity on Distributed Water Turbidity at Lambaro WTP. In: Elkawnie Journal, Volume 1.2.
Fuchs, S.; Silva, A.; Anggraini, A. K.; Mahdariza, F. (2015):
Planning and Installation of a Drinking Water Treatment in Gunungkidul, Java, Indonesia. In: Water Science & Technology 15, 2015 (1), S. 42–49.
Fuchs, S.; Silva, A.; Anggraini, A. K.; Mahdariza, F. (2014):
Selection, Design and Installation of a Drinking Water Treatment in Gunungkidul, Java, Indonesia. 6th IWA Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference 'East meets West'. Istanbul, Turkey, 28.-30.05.2014.
Jalaluddin; Suryani, F.M.; Mirzayanto; Mahdariza, F. (2013):
Konsep Transportasi Hijau di Ruas Jalan Tgk Daud Beureueh Kota Banda Aceh (Eng: Green Transportation Concept for Tgk Daud Beureueh Street Section, Banda Aceh). National Road Engineering Seminar, Medan.