Dr.-Ing. Frank Seidel
- Abteilungsleiter "Experimenteller Wasserbau" mit Theodor-Rehbock-Flussbaulaboratorium
- Head of the section Experimental Hydraulics
- Room: 101
CS 10.83 - Phone: +49 721 608-43160
- frank seidel ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Field of activity
- Hydraulic model investigations and experimental hydraulicsPlanning and design of hydraulic structures in the field of hydraulic engineering, water management and fluid mechanics
- Research and application in the field of hybrid model technology
- Self-regulating control structures investigation of vibration)
- Hydraulics of fishways
Reference projects
Hydraulic model investigations for the renewal of the Platzspitz weir in the city of Zurich
The Drin cascade in Albania - hybrid hydraulic model investigations for the planned spillway
Hydraulic model investigations s for the energy conversion shaft at the fish exchange plant Lehmen
Fish protection screen RDK8 - Karlsruhe
Retention area at the mouth of the river Elz, intake structure
Culvert structures Stuttgart 21
Teaching activities/teaching assignments
- Experimental Hydraulics, B.Sc. (Seidel)
- Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management, BSc. (Franca/Seidel)
- Design of Hydraulic Structures
- Project Studies on Hydraulic Engineering, M.Sc. (Seidel)
- Integrated Design Project ,M.Sc. (Ehret/Seidel)
- Experimental Hydraulics II, M.Sc. (Seidel)
- Coordination ot teaching affairsInstitute of Water and River Basin Management,
- Chair Professor Dr. Mário Franca.
- BaWue-certificate for university didactics (2006)
Egger, B.; Wiegleb, J.; Seidel, F.; Burkhardt‐Holm, P.; Emanuel Hirsch, P. (2021). Comparative swimming performance and behaviour of three benthic fish species: The invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), the native bullhead (Cottus gobio), and the native gudgeon (Gobio gobio). Ecology of freshwater fish, 30 (3), 391–405. https://doi.org/10.1111/eff.12592
Wiegleb, J.; Emanuel Hirsch, P.; Egger, B.; Seidel, F.; Burkhardt‐Holm, P.;. (2021). Flow field-induced drag forces and swimming behavior of three benthic fish species, Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters 84:125812, DOI: 10.1016/j.limno.2020.125812
Gonzalez, W., Mees Delfes Varela, D., and Seidel, F.: Study on the complexity reduction of the input data for 3D numerical modeling of the hydrodynamics and sediment transport in a Brazilian reservoir , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8900, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8900, 2021.
Müller, A., Seidel, F., Nestmann, F. (2021): Untersuchung der durch Lenkbuhnen hervorgerufenen Habitatvielfalt - Freilanduntersuchung an einem Flachlandgewässer. KW- Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft · 2021 (14), Nr. 4, 236-242.
Müller, A., Seidel, F., Nestmann, F. (2021): Vergleich verschiedener Monitoringmethoden von Gewässerstrukturen im Umfeld von Lenkbuhnen. In: Stamm & Graw (eds), Wasserbau zwischen Hochwasser und Wassermangel - Hydraulic Engineering between Floods and Water Scarcity, 44. Dresdner-Wasserbaukolloquium 04. – 05. März 2021, ISBN 978-3-86780-662-6.
Klassen, I., Gonzalez, W., Seidel, F., Nestmann, F., Hillebrand, G., Hoffmann, T. and Olsen, N. R. B.: (2020) 3D numerical analyses of suspended sediment concentrations in a meandering river upstream a hydropower reservoir, 6th IAHR Europe conference, Warsaw, Poland.
Gonzalez, W., Klassen, I., Jakobs, A., and Seidel, F.: 3D numerical studies on stratification and mixing processes affecting fine sediment transport in the pre-dam of the Dhünnreservoir in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20418,https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-20418, 2020.
Kannen, C.; Seidel, F., Nestmann, F. (2020). Hydraulik und Morphodynamik von Strukturen zur Initiation nachhaltiger tiefer Gewässerzüge – ein künftiges Instrument zur Schaffung von Übersommerungshabitaten?. Wertermittlungsforum, WF 2/2020, S. 82-94.
Kannen, Ch., Seidel, F., Nestmann, F. (2020): Application of Experimental and Numerical Methods in Investigations of Sustainable Deep Scours as Fish Habitat. Proceedings of the 1st IAHR Young Professionals Congress 17-18 November 2020
Müller, A., Seidel, F., Nestmann, F. (2020): Influence of length of micro groins on bed morphology in a straight channel. In: Carrilo et al. (eds), Proceedings of the 1st IAHR Young Professionals Congress. Online. 17-18 November 2020. International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research -IAHR-, ISBN 978-90-82484-6-63.
Müller, A., Seidel, F., Nestmann, F. (2020): The effect of micro groins on riverbed structures – Comparison of the velocity distribution in experiments with fixed and mobile bed. In: Uijttewaal et al (eds), River Flow 2020. Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-367-62773-7.
Ul Hussan, W-; Shahzad, M.K.; Seidel, F.; Nestmann, F.;(2020); Application of Soft Computing Models with InputVectors of Snow Cover Area in Addition toHydro-Climatic Data to Predict the Sediment Loads; Water 12(5):1481 DOI: 10.3390/w12051481
Ul Hussan, W-; Shahzad, M.K.; Seidel, F.; Nestmann, F.;(2020); Comparative Assessment of Spatial Variability and Trends of Flows and Sediments under the Impact of Climate Change in the Upper Indus Basin, Water 12(3):730, DOI: 10.3390/w12030730
Kannen, C.; Seidel, F.; Lang, C.; Schultz, P. (2019). Hydraulische und hydrodynamische Analyse des geplanten Sektorwehrs am Platzspitz in Zürich. In: Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau (Hg.) (2019): 21. Treffen junger WissenschaftlerInnen. Karlsruhe: Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau.
Association work, commissions
Member of the Advisory Board of WBW Fortbildungsgesellschaft GmbH
German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste e.V. (DWA):Member of the working group AG-WW-3.7: Hydraulics of fishways
Member of the Master Examination Board of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Member of the admission committee of the study programs M.Sc. Civil Engineering, M.Sc. Mobility and Infrastructure and M.Sc. Functional and Constr. Engineering of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Geo- and Environmental Sciences - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
1996 - 2003 |
University of Karlsruhe (TH) study of civil engineering, specialization hydraulic engineering |
since 2003 |
Scientific assistant at the Institute for Water and Watercourse Development at the University of Karlsruhe (TH) |
since 2009 |
Deputy Head of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Watercourse Development, |
deputy head of Theodor-Rehbock-Water Hydraulic Laboratory |
23.06.2010 |
PhD examination at the Faculty of Civil, Geo and Environmental Sciences, KIT |
since 2013 |
Head of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Watercourse Development, Head of Theodor-Rehbock Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory |