Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.h.c. mult. Franz Nestmann
- Professor
- Former director of the institute
- Room: 114
- Nestmann ∂ kit edu
KIT Campus Süd
Institut für Wasser und Gewässerentwicklung
Bereich Wasserwirtschaft und Kulturtechnik
Ernst-Gaber-Straße 1
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Field of activity
Many years of activity in applied and basic research as well as planning and execution of structures in the field of hydraulic engineering, water management and fluid mechanics with the following main focus:
- River engineering, river engineering, flood protection and ecology, morphodynamics.
- Water retention structures: weirs, dams, flood retention basins
- Hydraulic engineering: inland waterways, lock design
- Large power plants, cooling circuits
- Hydraulic engineering testing and measurement
- Channel hydraulics and solids transport
- Air/water and solids interactions, gas exchange processes
- Expert opinions e.g. in China, Pakistan, USA and Canada
1978-81 | Hydraulic investigations of cooling circuits |
1981-84 | Basic investigations of the hydrodynamic oxygen input |
1984-86 | Dimensioning of weir channels for the prevention of cavitation |
1986-87 | Further development of air model technology in river engineering |
1987-90 | River engineering report for the Upper Rhine downstream of the Iffezheim weir |
1987-88 | River engineering report for the Songhua River, VR-China (GTZ project) |
1987-89 | Flow investigations in the dam of the Rhine power plant Bad-Säckingen |
1990-93 | Flow investigations for the Rhine in the Rheingau region |
1990 | Unsteady flow processes in the Henrichenburg economising lock |
1990 | University of Faisalabad, Pakistan; consultant mission on behalf of GTZ |
1991 | River engineering study for the Rhine section Bonn-Beuel |
1987-93 | Flow investigations for the Eider barrage including development of a rehabilitation concept |
1992-94 | River engineering study for the Danube (Straubing-Vilshofen) |
1992-94 | River engineering baseline studies for the entire German Elbe river |
Lectures at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Surveying of the University of Karlsruhe in "Hydraulics" and "Bedload and Solids Transport" as well as in the field of "Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management" with the subfields: Flood protection and watercourse development, hydropower plants and dams, erosion control measures; project studies.