- Information Theory in Earth Science
- Geostatistics
- Uncertainty Analysis
- Sequential Simulation
- Spatial Data Analytics
- Data-driven Modelling
- Machine Learning
Peer-reviewed papers
- THIESEN, S.; EHRET, U.: Assessing local and spatial uncertainty with nonparametric geostatistics, Stoch. Environ. Res. Risk. Assess.,
s00477-021-02038-5, 2021.
- THIESEN, S.; VIEIRA, D. M.; MÄLICKE, M.; LORITZ, R.; WELLMANN, J. F.; EHRET, U.: Histogram via entropy reduction (HER): an information-theoretic alternative for geostatistics, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.,, 24(9), 4523–4540, 2020.
- THIESEN, S.; DARSCHEID, P.; EHRET, U.: Identifying rainfall-runoff events in discharge time series: A data-driven method based on information theory, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.,, 23(2), 1015-1034, 2019.
Computer programs
- THIESEN, S.; VIEIRA, D. M.; EHRET, U.: HER adaptation for categorical data, probability maps and spatial simulation, available at:, version v1.0, Zenodo,, 2021. (Matlab)
- THIESEN, S.; VIEIRA, D. M.; EHRET, U.: KIT-HYD/HER: Spatial interpolation with Histogram via entropy reduction (HER), available at:, version v1.4,, 2020. (Matlab)
- THIESEN, S.; DARSCHEID, P.; EHRET, U.: Rainfall-runoff events identification using Information Theory, available at:, version v1.0,, 2018. (Matlab)
- THIESEN, S. Aplicação de Ferramenta SIG para Mapeamento Geotécnico e Cartas de Aptidão para Fundação a partir de Ensaios SPT – Um Estudo de Caso em Blumenau/SC. [Application of GIS Tool for Geotechnical Mapping and Foundation Suitability Maps based on Standard Penetration Tests - A Case Study in Blumenau/SC]. Master's thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis/Brazil, 2016.
- THIESEN, S. Ergonomia: Análise dos fatores ambientais na empresa RKS Engenharia de Estruturas. [Ergonomics: Analysis of environmental factors in the company RKS Structural Engineering]. Bachelor's thesis, College of Business Administration, Santa Catarina State University (UDESC), Florianópolis/Brazil, 2012.
- NICOLAU, A. P. S.; THIESEN, S. Análise hidrodinâmica e de padrões de transporte de sedimentos e propostas para a recuperação da praia da Armação do Pântano do Sul Florianópolis/SC. [Hydrodynamic and sediment transport pattern analyses and proposals for recovering Armação do Pântano do Sul beach in Florianópolis/SC]. Bachelor's thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis/Brazil, 2011.
Book chapters
- BARLETTA, R.; THIESEN, S.; NICOLAU, A. P. S.; BONANATA, R.; NORONHA, M. A. M. Análise hidrodinâmica e de transporte de sedimentos para elaboração de alternativas de recuperação da Praia da Armação do Pântano do Sul – Florianópolis/SC. [Hydrodynamic and sediment transport pattern analyses for recovering Armação do Pântano do Sul beach in Florianópolis/SC]. Book Chapter. Sistema de Modelagem Costeira do Brasil: estudos de casoo (pp. 351-376). Publisher: Ministério do Meio Ambiente, 2019. ISBN 978-85-328-0835-6 (available here)
- SANTOS, J. V.; THIESEN, S.; HIGASHI, R. R. Geological-Geotechnical Database from Standard Penetration Test Investigations Using Geographic Information Systems. Book Chapter. Management of Information Systems. Publisher: InTech Open, 2018. ISBN 978-1-78984-198-5 (DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.74208)
Conference contributions
- THIESEN, S.; EHRET, U. Assessing local and spatial uncertainty with non-parametric geostatistics. 13th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications - geoENV2020, online, 19–18 Jun 2021,, 2021. Book of abstracts.
- THIESEN, S.; EHRET, U. Assessing local and spatial uncertainty with HER method. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-568,, 2021. PICO presentation & Online discussion.
- THIESEN, S.; VIEIRA, D. M.; MÄLICKE, M.; LORITZ, R.; WELLMANN, J. F.; EHRET, U. HER: an information theoretic alternative for geostatistics. EGU General Assembly 2020, online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-1355,, 2020. Poster & Online discussion.
- THIESEN, S.; VIEIRA, D. M.; MÄLICKE, M.; LORITZ, R.; WELLMANN, J. F.; EHRET, U. HER: an information theoretic alternative for geostatistics. Global Young Scientists Summit, Singapore/Singapore, 2020. Poster.
- THIESEN, S.; DARSCHEID, P.; EHRET, U. Identifying rainfall-runoff events in discharge time series: A data-driven method based on information theory. Tag der Hydrologie, Karlsruhe/Germany, 2019. Poster.
- THIESEN, S.; DARSCHEID, P.; EHRET, U. Identifying rainfall-runoff events in discharge time series: A data-driven method based on information theory. II Workshop on Information Theory & the Earth Sciences, Santander/Spain, 2018. Poster.
- THIESEN, S.; GERALDI, M. S.; KAESTNER, C. L. Simulador online para dimensionamento otimizado de reservatório de água da chuva associado à economia financeira. [Online simulator for optimized design of rainwater reservoir associated with the financial economy]. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos, Florianópolis/Brazil, 2017. Paper.
- THIESEN, S.; SANTOS, J. V.; HIGASHI, R. R. Application of GIS Tools for Geotechnical Mapping - a Case Study in Brazil. In: International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Colombo/Sri Lanka, 2015. Paper & Oral presentation.
- SANTOS, J. V.; THIESEN, S.; HIGASHI, R. R. Geographic Information System: Methodological proposal for the development of foundation maps based on SPT investigation. In: 15th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Buenos Aires/Argentina, 2015. Paper.
- THIESEN, S.; VIEIRA, D. M. Análise e otimização por programação linear da distribuição de bicicletas na região universitária de Florianópolis/SC. [Analysis and optimization by linear programming of the bicycle distribution in the university zone of Florianópolis/SC]. XXVII ANPET - Congresso Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa em Transportes. ANPET, Belém/Brazil, 2013. Paper & Oral presentation.
Academic career
- PhD student | Since 08/2017 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- Master in Civil Engineering | 03/2013 – 07/2016 Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)
- Bachelor in Business Administration | 07/2006 – 08/2012 Santa Catarina State University (UDESC)
- Civil Engineering | 07/2006 – 08/2011 Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Professional career
- since 12/2015 | Co-Founder and CEO at RainMap - Rainwater Harvesting Map (Brazil)
- 07/2012 – 05/2015 | Civil Engineer at Transportation and Logistics Laboratory/UFSC
- 01/2011 – 06/2012 | Intern and Civil Engineer at RKS Structural Engineering
- 08/2007 – 08/2011 | Undergraduate Research Assistant at Tutorial Education Program/UFSC