Hydrometeorologische Messnetze
Hydrologische Modellierung von Flusseinzugsgebieten
Regionalisierung von Niederschlägen und hydrologisch relevanten Einzugsgebietscharakteristika
TRUST - Sustainable, fair and ecologically compatible drinking water supply in booming regions with water shortage, development of solutions and planning tools for the achievement of sustainable development goals using the example of the catchment area of the region Lima/Peru
Bondy, J., Schroers, S. & Wienhöfer, J. (2018): TRUST - Sustainable water supply and management in water-scarce regions - the case study of the Lurín River in Lima, Perú. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-16633
Bondy, J., Schroers, S. & Wienhöfer, J. (2018): Hydrological modeling as a basis for water management in semi-arid regions - the case study of the Lurín River in Lima, Perú. Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling Conference, Tübingen