26. April 2022: 'Tour de PhD' - Visit of PhD students from the Wageningen University & Research (WUR) at the IWG in Karlsruhe.
16-18 October 2019: Leonardo conference: " Monitoring and modelling complex organised hydrological systems: a balancing act between quality information and information quantity.", Luxembourg.
27-29 March 2019: 'Tag der Hydrologie' at KIT.
27 February - 2 March 2018: GRACE-Summerschool on 'Combining Modern Statistical Methods and Thermodynamic Principles for Dynamic System Analysis in Environmental Sciences' at KIT.
1-2 March 2018: International Max Planck Research School in Jena on 'Thermodynamics of Earth System Processes'.
10 May 2017: 'Workshop für ein gemeinsames Umweltmonitoring in Baden-Württemberg (JEM-BW)' within the Water Network Baden-Württemberg at KIT.
24-27 April 2016: 'First Workshop on Information Theory and the Earth Sciences', Schneefernerhaus, Zugspitze.
19 February 2016: Workshop 'Geteilte Daten – halbes Leid und doppelte Freude' (Kickoff-Workshop für das Projekt V-FOR-WaTer) within the Water Network Baden-Württemberg at KIT.
18 March 2014: International Larsim user meeting at KIT.