Groundwater Lab
Pressure Cells for Drainage Experiments:
- 15 pressure cells for parallel drainage
- pressure steps up to 1 bar
- automatic data acquisition of the drained water volume of each pressure cell separatelyt
Flume for 2D seepage experiments, unsaturated:
- size: 80 cm x 50 cm x 10 cm, pipe leak: 40 cm above bottom
- segmented bottom for differenciated outflow measurement
- holes in regular raster (10 cm x 8 cm) for installation of mirco tensiometers
Flume for 2D experiments, saturated:
- size: 3,17 cm x 1,25 m x 0,25 m, one side: vertical seperated filter screens (GCW), other side: complete filter screen (general flow)
- front: glas front
- backside: high density of sampling points in the area of the ciculation flow
Columns for 1D-experiments:
- 3 stainless steel + 1 glass column (d = 10,8 cm, L = 50,0 cm)
- sampling points in 4 different levels and several azimut angles
- connection to closed water system