HS 9 Geb. 20.40
Engesser-HS Bldg. 10.81
Tue 8:00 - 9:30
Thur 9:45 - 11:15
The students have the knowledge of typical process technologies of wastewater treatment in Germany and abroad. They are able to assess these technically and to dimension them flexibly, taking into account legal constraints. The students are able to analyse, assess and optimise the plant technology. They will be able to achieve an energetically efficient design, taking into account essential cost-relevant factors. Students will be able to analyse the situation in important emerging and developing countries in comparison with that in industrialised nations and develop water-related recommendations for action.
Registration is required via ILIAS. Priority is given to the students of Water Science and Engineering, Civil Engineering, Regional Sciences and Geoecology. Course places are assigned with respect to higher semester and order of registration. Attendance at the first appointment is compulsory. When absent, the place is given to a person on the waiting list.