Dr. Sibylle Haßler
- Postdoc
- Raum: 404
- Tel.: +49 721 608-43653
- sibylle hassler ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Wasser und Umwelt
Bereich Hydrologie
Kaiserstraße 12
76131 Karlsruhe
- Evapotranspiration / Xylem-Saftfluss
- Bodenhydrologie / hydraulische Leitfähigkeit, Fokus auf humide Tropen
- Datenmanagement / FAIR data / Datenpublikation
- Sampling Strategien / Monitoring Design
Aktuelle Projekte:
- CAOS: DFG Forschergruppe FOR 1598 (From Catchments as Organized Systems to Models based on Functional Units)
- V-FOR-WaTer: Virtuelle Forschungsumgebung für die Wasser- und terrestrische Umweltforschung, gefördert durch das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur Baden-Württemberg
- ASAP: Agroforestry in Southern Africa - new Pathways of innovative landuse sytems under a changing climate. Teilprojekt 3: Wasserflüsse; gefördert durch das BMBF.
- BRIDGET: Bridging the scales of evapotranspiration (ET). Bridging postdoc Projekt im Rahmen von Digital Earth.
Frühere Projekte:
- Agua Salud Projekt: Wiederaufforstung degradierter Flächen im Panamakanal-Einzugsgebiet. Projektteil der Bodenkunde-Gruppe der Uni Potsdam war hierbei die Untersuchung der Veränderung bodenhydraulischer Eigenschaften bei der Wiederbewaldung (Dissertationsthema).
- Untersuchung von Vegetationsmustern in semiariden Savannen in Namibia mit Hilfe eines hexagonalen Sampling Designs (Diplomarbeitsthema).
- Unterstützung der Hydrologischen Labor- und Geländeübung im Rahmen der Veranstaltung Hydrological Measurements in Environmental Systems
- Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten
Berufliche Aktivitäten
Community Service
- 2016/05: Co-Organisation des Workshops "Joint enviromental monitoring in Baden-Württemberg" im Rahmen des Wassernetzwerks Baden-Württemberg
- 2016/02: Co-Organisation des Kickoff-Workshops "Geteilte Daten - halbes Leid und doppelte Freude" im Rahmen des Wassernetzwerks Baden-Württemberg, als Basis für das V-For-WaTer Project
- Gasteditor (Special Issue) für Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)/Earth System Science Data (ESSD), Topical Editor für Earth System Science Data (ESSD)
- Convener von Sessions bei Meetings der AGU und EGU (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)
- Begutachtung von Fachartikeln für Vadose Zone Journal (VZJ), Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ), Journal of Hydrology (JoH), Ecohydrology (ECO)
- European Geosciences Union (EGU)
- American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Begutachtete Veröffentlichungen in ISI-gelisteten Zeitschriften
- Sheppard, J.P., Bohn Reckziegel, R., Borass, L., Chirwa, P.W., Cuaranhua, C.J., Hassler, S.K., Hoffmeister, S., Kestel, F., Maier, R., Mälicke, M., Morhart, C, Ndlovu, N.P., Veste, M., Funk, R., Lang, F., Seifert, T., du Toit, B., Kahle, H.-P. (2020): Agroforestry: An Appropriate and Sustainable Response to a Changing Climate in Southern Africa? Sustainability, 12(17), 6769. (link)
- Mälicke, M., Hassler, S.K., Blume, T., Weiler, M., Zehe, E. (2020): Soil moisture: Variable in space but redundant in time. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 24(5), 2633-2653. (link to pdf)
- Casper, M.C., Mohajerani, H., Hassler, S., Herdel, T., Blume, T. (2019): Finding behavioral parameterization for a 1-D water balance model by multi-criteria evaluation. J. Hydrol. Hydromech., 67(3), 213-224. (link)
- Dijke, A., Mallick, K., Teuling, A., Schlerf, M., Machwitz, M., Hassler, S., Blume, T., Herold, M. (2019): Does the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index explain spatial and temporal variability in sap velocity in temperate forest ecosystems? Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 23(4), 2077-2091. (link to pdf)
- Zehe, E., Loritz, R., Jackisch, C., Westhoff, M., Kleidon, A., Blume, T., Hassler, S.K., Savenije, H.H. (2019): Energy states of soil water - A thermodynamic perspective on soil water dynamics and storage-controlled streamflow generation in different landscapes. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 23(2), 971-987. (link to pdf)
- Hassler, S.K., Weiler, M. & Blume, T. (2018): Tree-, stand- and site-specific controls on landscape-scale patterns of transpiration. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22(1), pp.13-30. (link to pdf
- Loritz, R., Hassler, S. K., Jackisch, C., Allroggen, N., van Schaik, L., Wienhöfer, J. & Zehe, E. (2017): Picturing and modeling catchments by representative hillslopes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(2), 1225-1249. (link to pdf
- Renner, M., Hassler, S.K., Blume, T., Weiler, M., Hildebrandt, A., Guderle, M., Schymanski, S.J. & Kleidon, A. (2017): Dominant controls of transpiration along a hillslope transect inferred from ecohydrological measurements and thermodynamic limits. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20(5), 2063-2083. (link to pdf
- Hassler, S.K., Lark, R.M., Zimmermann, B. & Elsenbeer, H. (2014): Which sampling design to monitor saturated hydraulic conductivity? Eur. J. Soil Sci., 65(6), 792-802.
- Hassler, S.K., Lark, R.M., Milne, A.E. & Elsenbeer, H. (2011): Exploring the variation in soil saturated hydraulic conductivity under a tropical rainforest using the wavelet transform. Eur. J. Soil Sci., 62(6), 891-901.
- Hassler, S.K., Zimmerman, B., van Breugel, M., Hall, J.S. & Elsenbeer, H. (2011): Recovery of saturated hydraulic conductivity under secondary succession on former pastures in the humid tropics. For. Ecol. Manage., 261(10), 1634-1642.
- Hassler, S.K., Kreyling, J., Beierkuhnlein, C., Eisold, J., Samimi, C., Wagenseil, H. & Jentsch, A. (2010): Vegetation pattern divergence between dry and wet season in a semiarid savanna - Spatio-temporal dynamics of plant diversity in northwest Namibia. J. Arid. Environ., 74(11), 1516-1524.
- Hassler, S.K. (2013): Saturated hydraulic conductivity in the humid tropics: Sources of variability, implications for monitoring and effects on near-surface hydrological flow paths. Universität Potsdam. (link to pdf
- Blume, T., Hassler, S., and Weiler, M. (2018): From groundwater to soil moisture to transpiration: do stable landscape patterns exist and when do they break down? European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Wien, Österreich.
- Hassler, S.K. and Fink, S. (2018): The challenges of measuring sap flow on trees in sloped terrain. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Wien, Österreich.
- Mälicke, M., S. Hassler, M. Weiler, T. Blume, and Zehe, E. (2018): Revealing process dynamics of soil moisture patterns using spatio-temporal geostatistics. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Wien, Österreich.
- Strobl, M., Azmi, E., Hassler, S., Mälicke, M., Meyer, J., and Zehe, E. (2018): V-FOR-WaTer – A virtual research environment for storage and processing of environmental data. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Wien, Österreich.
- Blume, T., Weiler, M., Angermann, L., Beiter, D., Hassler S., Kaplan, N., and Sprenger, M. (2017): From one plot to many and from hillslopes to stream: Improving our understanding of catchment hydrology with a multi-scale experimental approach. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Wien, Österreich.
- Blume, T., Hassler, S.K., and Weiler, M. (2017): Temporal dynamics and persistence of spatial patterns: from groundwater to soil moisture to transpiration. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA.
- Hassler, S.K., M. Weiler, and Blume, T. (2017): Tree-, stand- and site-specific controls on landscape-scale patterns of transpiration. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Wien, Österreich.
- Hassler, S.K., M. Weiler, and Blume, T. (2017): Can sap flow help us to better understand transpiration patterns in landscapes? American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA.
- Mälicke, M., Neuper, M., Jackisch, C. Hassler, S., und Zehe, E. (2017): Static sampling of dynamic processes – a paradox? European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Wien, Österreich.
- Schlerf, M., Mallick, K., Hassler, S.K., Blume, T., Ronellefitsch, F., Gerhards, M., Udelhoven, T., and Weiler, M. (2017): A comparison of airborne evapotranspiration maps and sapflow measurements in oak and beech forest stands. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA.
- Strobl, M., Azmi, E., Hassler, S., Mälicke, M., Meyer, J., and Zehe E. (2017): V-FOR-WaTer – a new virtual research environment for environmental research. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Wien, Österreich.
- Hassler, S.K., M. Weiler, E. Zehe, and Blume, T. (2016): Can we estimate landscape-scale transpiration patterns from commonly available distributed data sets? European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Wien, Österreich.
- Loritz, R., Hassler, S., Jackisch, C., and Zehe, E. (2016): Picturing and modelling catchments by representative hillslopes. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Wien, Österreich.
- Renner, M., Hassler, S., Blume, T., Weiler, M., Hildebrandt, A., Guderle, M., Schymanski, S., and Kleidon, A. (2016): Compensating effect of sap velocity for stand density leads to uniform hillslope-scale forest transpiration across a steep valley cross-section. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Wien, Österreich.
- Blume, T., Hassler, S., Heidbüchel, I., Weiler, M., Simard, S., Güntner, A., and Heinrich, I. (2015): Tracking the diurnal signal of plant water uptake through the hydrologic system. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Wien, Österreich.
- Blume, T., Heidbüchel, I., Hassler, S.K., Simard, S., Güntner, A., Stewart, R.D., and Weiler, M. (2015): Root water uptake and soil moisture pattern dynamics – capturing connections, controls and causalities. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, USA.
- Hassler, S.K., Weiler, M., and Blume, T. (2015): Catchment controls on soil moisture dynamics: from site-specific hysteresis in event responses to temporal stability of patterns. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Wien, Österreich.
- Hassler, S.K., Weiler, M., and Blume, T. (2015): Explaining spatial patterns of sap flow: day-to-day shifts in relevance of site- and tree-specific controls. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Wien, Österreich.
- Hassler, S.K., Weiler, M., Zehe, E., and Blume, T. (2015): How landscape characteristics explain spatial patterns of transpiration. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, USA.
- Blume, T., Hassler, S.K., and Weiler, M. (2014): Who is in control? Competing influences of geology, land use and topography on soil moisture and soil temperature dynamics. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Wien, Österreich.
- Hassler, S.K., Lark, R.M., Zimmermann, B., and Elsenbeer, H. (2014): Which sampling design to monitor saturated hydraulic conductivity? European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Wien, Österreich.
- Hassler, S.K., Weiler, M., and Blume, T. (2014): Spatio-temporal soil moisture patterns across gradients of vegetation and topography. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Wien, Österreich.
- Hassler, S.K., Weiler, M., and Blume, T. (2014): Landscape Controls on Hydrological Processes under Rainfall- and Radiation-driven Conditions. AGU Chapman Conference on Catchment spatial organization and complex behavior, Luxemburg.
- Hassler, S.K., and Blume, T. (2013): Variability of sap flow on forest hillslopes: patterns and controls. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Wien, Österreich.
- Zehe, E., Jackisch, C., Blume, T., Hassler, S., Allroggen, N., and Tronicke, J. (2013): Functional units and lead topologies: a hierarchical framework for observing and modeling the interplay of structures, storage dynamics and integral mass and energy flows in lower mesoscale catchments. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Wien, Österreich.
- Hassler, S.K., Lark, R.M., Zimmermann, B., and Elsenbeer, H. (2012): Application of a rotational sampling design to address the spatial mean temporal trend in saturated hydraulic conductivity in reforestation catchments in central Panama. 4th International Congress EUROSOIL2012, Bari, Italien.
- Hassler, S.K., Lark, R.M., Milne, A.E., and Elsenbeer, H. (2012): Exploring the variation in soil saturated hydraulic conductivity under a tropical rainforest using the wavelet transform. 2nd International Conference on Hydropedology, Leipzig.
- Hassler, S.K., Ogden, F.L., Crouch, T.D., and Elsenbeer, H. (2011): Exploring the link between soil permeability, overland flow generation and land us and its effect on water flow paths in the humid tropics. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, USA.
- Hassler, S.K., and Elsenbeer, H. (2011): Is soil permeability a good predictor for overland flow occurrence? European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Wien, Österreich.
- Hassler, S.K., Zimmermann, B., and Elsenbeer, H. (2010): The influence of forest regrowth on soil permeability in the humid tropics. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Wien, Österreich.
- Hassler, S., Eisold, J., Beierkuhnlein, C., and Jentsch, A. (2006): Biodiversitätsmuster in Raum und Zeit am Beispiel der Savanen Nordwest-Namibias. Jahrestreffen des VGDH AK Biogeographie, Bonn.
Akademische Laufbahn
04/2015–heute Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Institut für Wasser und Gewässerentwicklung
- PostDoc and Co-Koordination des V-FOR-WaTer-Projekts
01/2012–03/2015 Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum (GFZ), Sektion Hydrologie
- PostDoc in der DFG Forschergruppe FOR 1598 CAOS
02/2008–02/2012 Universität Potsdam, Institut für Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften
- Doktorandin im Rahmen des Agua Salud-Projekts
- Dissertation: Saturated hydraulic conductivity in the humid tropics: Sources of variability, implications for monitoring and effects on near-surface hydrological flow paths
10/1999–02/2007 Universität Bayreuth
- Studium der Geoökologie, Hauptfächer Bodenkunde und Biogeographie
- 02/2003–03/2004 Auslandsstudium an der Universität Kapstadt, Südafrika
- Diplomarbeit: Spatio-temporal Biodiversity Patterns in Semiarid Savanna Ecosystems of the Kaokoveld, Northwest Namibia