- Hydrology
- Databases
- Web based (Geo)Information Systems
- Integration of hydrologic, hydraulic, and other environmental models with GIS
- (Geo)Information technologies in flood modelling, flood forecast, and risk analysis
- GIS and Database tools (based on open source software) to manage hydrological models
- GIS-based tool for risk analysis in flood management
- Spatial and hydrological analysis of Sulm catchment
- Volga-Rhine Project
- Morphodynamics of River Elbe
- Tools to define flooded areas using GIS and Hydrodynamic model
- GIS Tools to define flooded areas Spatial Data Link and Analysis Module (SDLA-module, Master Thesis)
Evdakov, O.; Liebert, J: Web basiertes Informationssystem – Abfluss-Kennwerte in Baden- Württemberg. GIS und GDI in der Wasserwirtschaft
Helms, M.; Evdakov, O.; Kiseleva, O.; Ihringer J.: Hydrologische Untersuchungen zur Abflussmodellierung im Moskva-Einzugsgebiet. In: Wasser Wirtschaft, vol. 4, 2011, pp. 12-18
Helms, M.; Evdakov, O.; Ihringer J.: Problemorientierte hydrologische Modellansätze für grossskalige Einzugsgebiete. VI International conference on Science, Education, Production in Solving Environmental Problems, vol. 2, Ufa 2009, pp. 331-345,
Helms, M.; Evdakov, O.; Ihringer, J.; Nestmann, F.: Modelling spring flood in the area of the Upper Volga basin. In: Advances in Geosciences vol. 9, 2006, pp. 115-122
Lindenmaier, F.; Zehe, E.; Helms, M.; Evdakov, O.; Ihringer, J.: Effect of soil shrinkage on runoff generation in micro and mesoscale catchments; Predictions in Ungauged Basins: Promise and Progress, Eds.: M. Sivapalan et al., Wallingford: IAHS Pr. 2006, IAHS Publ. 303, pp. 305 – 317
Helms, M.; Evdakov, O.; Ihringer, J.; Nestmann, F.: Entwicklung des Hochwasserrisikos an der Küste des kaspischen Meeres; Risikomanagement extremer hydrologischer Ereignisse, Beitr. Tag d. Hydrologie 2006, März 2006, Univ. d. Bundeswehr, Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 15, Bd. 3, 2006, S. 155 – 158
Kron, A.; Evdakov, O.; Nestmann, F.: From hazard to risk – a GIS-based tool for risk analysis in flood management; Van Alphen,van Beek, Tal (eds.): Floods, from Defence to Management, London 2005, pp. 295 – 301
Helms, M.; Evdakov, O.; Ihringer, J.; Nestmann, F.: A hydrologic contribution to risk assessment for the Caspian Sea. In: Limnologica vol. 35, 2005, pp. 114 – 122
Helms, M.; Evdakov, O.; Ihringer, J.; Nestmann, F.: A hydrologic approach to risk assessment for the Volga-Caspian basin. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 7, 2005, 09594
Helms, M.; Evdakov, O.; Ihringer, J.; Nestmann, F.: Hydrological aspects of a river basin management for the Volga River; 11th Magdeburg Seminar on Waters in Central and Eastern Europe: Assessment, Protection, Management, Proc. Int. Conf., Leipzig, Oct. 2004, Eds.: W. Geller et al., UFZ-Bericht 18, 2004, S. 79 – 80
Büchele, B.; Evdakov, O.; Kiene, S.; Otte-Witte, K.; Ritzert, F.; Saucke, U.; Nestmann, F.: Geometrie und Morphologie der Elbe (Ist-Zustandserfassung von Einzelparametern in Längs- und Querprofil); Morphodynamik der Elbe. Schlussbericht BMBF-Verbundprojekt, Hrsg.: F. Nestmann, B. Büchele. Karlsruhe: Univ., IWK 2002, S. 66 – 90
Ritzert, F.; Evdakov, O.: Digitale Geländehöhenmodelle und GIS-Bearbeitung; ATV-DVWK-Schriftenreihe 21, 2000: Gewässer Landschaften. BMBF Symposium Elbeforschung. S. 215 – 217
Oberle, P.; Evdakov, O.; Theobald, S.: Hydrodynamic-numerical river model Neckar in connection with a GIS; Decision Support Systems (DSS) for River Basin Management, Int. Workshop, Apr. 2000, Koblenz, Germany, Bundesanst. f. Gewässerkunde, Veranstaltungen 4/2000, S. 96
Oberle, P.; Theobald, S.; Evdakov, O.; Nestmann, F.: GIS-supported flood modelling by the example of the river Neckar; River Flood Defence, Eds.: F. Tönsmann, M. Koch, Vol. 2, pp. G-145 – G-155, Kasseler Wasserbau-Mitteilungen H. 9,2. 2000
Oberle, P.; Theobald, S.; Evdakov, O.; Nestmann, F.: GIS-supported flood modelling by the example of the river Neckar; European Conference on Advances in Flood Research, Proc. Vol. 2, Eds.: A. Bronstert et al., PIK Report No. 65, 2000, pp. 652 – 664
Evdakov, O.: Integrated GIS - Hydraulic model to delineate flooded areas, Spatial Data Link and Analysis Module; Master of Science Thesis. Karlsruhe, Germany, 1998, (unveröffentlicht)
Evdakov, O.: Development of a Water Resources Management Geo-Information System for the Central Asian Republics; International Conference on Management and Information Exchange in Land and Water Resources. Tashkent, 1996
Evdakov, O.: Geo-Informational Database and Data Processing (in russ.); Melioraciya i vodnoe hozyaistvo, Sbornik Nauchnyh trudov, Tashkent, 1996
Evdakov, O.: Detailed planning of the Drip Irrigation System for Ak-Aral farm (in russ.); Diploma. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1994, (unveröffentlicht)
1989–1994 Dipl. Civil Engineer. Tashkent University of Irrigation Engineering and Agricultural Mechanization, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
1992-1994 Academy of Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
1994-1996 Central Asian Scientific Irrigation Research Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
1995-1996 EU TACIS, Water Resources Management and Agricultural Production in Central Asian Republics (WARMAP), Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tadjikistan, Kirgizstan, Turkmenistan
1996-1998 M.Sc. study Resources Engineering, Karlsruhe, Germany
1997–1998 University of Karlsruhe (TH) Institute for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung), Karlsruhe, Germany
1998-2000 EU TACIS, Caspian Environment Programme, Germany, Denmark, UK, Russia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Iran
2000-2014 Institute for Water Resources Management, Hydraulic and Rural Engineering (Institut für Wasserwirtschaft und Kulturtechnik), Karlsruhe, Germany